Tilla Durieux Park


The Tilla Durieux Park at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin opened in 2003. It is a heavily used and beloved urban meadow. And that is equally the problem. The grass slopes wear too hard and the seesaws are sandalized. DS is working together and on behalf of the City of Berlin on a plan to modify the current park. The sculptural form is retained. The steep slope will be fitted with a pilot arrangement of stairs in two areas that are now hard wearing. And the turning system of the rockers will be redone and weighted.

An important decision has been made for the maintenance of the park. Annual tenders for park management led to a downward spiral. Therefore, the period that the management is with one firm will be extended to five years.

In this way, we hope that the beloved park will maintain its strong appearance for decades to come.

items, dsla