Eemklooster in Amersfoort


The Eemklooster in Amersfoort, fully named ‘Onze Lieve Vrouwe ter Eem’, built in 1930, was  until 1988 a cloister, with a boarding school for girls and a teachers training college. It is designed by A.J. Kropholler and it is a state monument. It is fully in use today, with daycares, office spaces and spaces for cultural programming. In the near future it will be even more a micro-city, with office spaces, apartments and cultural venues in the core and around the monument 5 apartment buildings.  The landscape of the Eemklooster will be rewilded, to increase the biodiversity and the nature experience for the micro-city citizens. The car and bike parkings are hidden in the lanscape. And the ambiance will be more rough and natural with lots of attention for the needs of the other than humans who live in this area.

The landscape and urban design strategy consists of 5 rings of intervention and interrelation: the position on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug (1), the landscape of Eemklooster (2), the landscape with the new buildings (3), the public space around the Eemklooster (4), the private-public facades.

The preliminary development plan for the landscape consists of the elaboration of rings 3, 4 and 5 into landscape/urbanism design and materialisation. For ring 2, the landscape owned by the Eemklooster,  is made a design management plan. This plan describes the goals of management, to steer the landscape in time towards a more natural design. With this management plan, the gardeners can get started tomorrow.

DS is responsible for the landscape design. The plan for the urban and landscape redevelopment  is made by Urban frameworks, in collaboration with DS landscape architects.


items, dsla