Time mechanism

2012 -

Views of nature have a positive effect on a patient’s recovery. In collaboration with design studio STUDIO 1:1 and outside experts from the medical and environmental fields, we are studying innovative concepts and ways of thinking to more consciously align programming and associated design inside and outside the walls of healthcare facilities. The aim is to establish a special spatial relationship between a specific illness and the rhythms of nature. An example is the link between the specific period when certain butterflies are active, and that same specific period when asthmatics are more affected by their disease.

Research is being conducted on the importance of nature in the healing process and current results are promising for our hypothesis. Steadiness is still lacking. The biological clock can be an important factor in the healing process. With nature nearby, the patient keeps in touch with day and night and seasons. Can nature’s rhythms be more visible and experiential from the patient’s point of stay than is currently the case in most hospitals? And can the similarity between these rhythms provide a benefit to a patient’s awareness and perception?

The biological clock

A clock based on ecological data. Song period of birds, visibility of bats and flight period of butterflies. The pointer takes a year to go around 1 time, revealing when which species are active.

items, dsla