World Forum is a public space designed by DS where all the puzzle pieces come together: the theme, the tranquillity, and the dune-like atmosphere.
Public Space Design
World Forum is located in the international zone of The Hague, which houses various buildings of international institutions. These contribute to the creation of a peaceful and just world, which is why The Hague is named the “international city of peace and justice.” In this international zone, the design and maintenance of the public space receive extra attention and funding from the municipality of The Hague. The connecting theme of the public space is “peace and justice” and is designed by DS, implemented in phases.

The renovation of the World Forum is a collaboration between the Government Buildings Agency (Europol), the municipality of The Hague (museums), and the TCN developer (World Forum congress centre now also municipal property) with the goal of creating a boundless public space of grandeur and scale. The area is highly secured but appears relaxed. Underground, there is a complex network of parking garages and property boundaries, none of which are visible in the public space.
Thoughts on “peace and justice” are cultivated in World Forum. The public space for the thinkers in the adjacent buildings is boundless and soft, positively influencing their thinking. The curved central line connects the Peace Palace with the Yugoslavia Tribunal (ICTY). This central line is a line of peace. Nelson Mandela walks along this line near the Omniversum towards the Peace Palace.
Despite the long execution of the plan, the curved line is implemented throughout the entire length with the same radius of curvature, alternating between tiles and stones. At night, in the light of the lamp posts, the line can be seen from above. Although the ground level rises and falls, the light poles remain at the same height. The softness of the plan is expressed through the planting scheme, referencing the dunes. It is rich in nutrients, resulting in high biodiversity. The dune-like atmosphere also aligns with The Hague’s international image as the Green City by the Sea. The planting plan is executed by Fred Booy.

The granite paving is designed in a pattern of uniformly-sized tiles and stones. The furniture is made of solid granite, matching the tile dimensions. This simplicity together with high-quality materials creates grandeur.
Property boundaries are not visible, as the public space drapes over them like a carpet. Where possible, the planting on the inside and outside of the fences are made to look identical.
Security measures, such as the benches on the staircases and the Cortensteel walls in the planting, are integrated into the design. As a result, no car can unexpectedly drive up to the buildings.
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