The Phyto Future project is part of the open call “Beautiful Production Landscapes” of the Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and uses Amsterdam’s Petroleumhaven as a case study to theoretically apply the concepts and ideas of an eco-industrial landscape park. The first phase of the project is characterized by the investigative and stock-taking nature of the work, focusing on identifying stakeholder desires and promising opportunities. In this phase, the first steps were taken in exploring the concept of an eco-industrial landscape park for the Petroleumhaven in Amsterdam. The second phase applied these building blocks in three different scenarios: the current situation, the near green future and the further wet future. In each of these three scenarios, the building blocks have a unique elaboration of the characteristics and effects of using these building blocks. Each scenario represents its own set of challenges today, in 2040 and in 2100. Currently, the area is not suitable to be used for a function other than industry, the soil is polluted and the landscape is not climate adaptive. In 2040, in addition to its industrial function, the area will be an important hub between densely populated urban areas and used by humans for traffic and recreation, with more natural elements. In 2100, due to rising water levels, the area will take on a different form than we know today, with a different type of industry, transportation and nature.
Team: Other Spheres, with contribution from DS landscape architects and Xu Ben Zhang
Partners: Municipality of Amsterdam, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Metabolic, Studioninedots, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Arcam, De Vlinderstichting