Flier Valley

2014 - 2014

The goal is to transform a flat meadow landscape into an enchanting stream valley landscape. What is needed to achieve this?

The Fliertdal is located on the eastern edge of Twello, in the municipality of Voorst. This agricultural area will be transformed from a meadow landscape to a stream valley landscape with an expansion of the residential area (see project Twello De Schaker, see project Achter ‘t Holthuis). On the flanks of the valley to be built are mansions in their parks. The development of the valley plots are in the hands of the Municipality of Voorst and the private owners. The same applies to plots owned by nature organization IJssellandschap.


Residential expansion on the west flank should ultimately contribute to the development of the valley. Landscaping was used in the stream valley landscape in connection with the development of De Schaker residential area (see Twello De Schaker project). By selling homes with plots in the valley, individuals are also involved in the development of the valley. In addition, hiking trails in the stream valley give recreationists the opportunity to explore the area further.

Making room for water retention upstream in the IJssel River basin will create space for water retention. This will eventually provide more water, marsh and pools, turning De Fliert from ditch to stream. Landscaping gives nature room to develop into an attractive natural area.


The new borders of the valley are wooded, this creates a nice contrast: a valley with solid edges. In the flanks the neighborhoods the Schaker and Achter ‘t Holthuis develop. At the same time, marsh vegetation and small-scale landscape elements develop in the valley.From north to south, a new walking route runs through the stream valley.


A few homes are in the forest edge and own a plot adjacent to De Fliert. These homes overlook the developing stream valley landscape. Property owners are involved in the development of the stream valley through the introduction of the “Toolbox” (see Toolbox Fliertdal project). This will encourage owners to use landscape elements on their plots included in this so-called box. For example, if the owners choose a particular type of hedge from the box, they will receive a subsidy for it.

In addition to adjustments in the Fliertdal to create a stream valley landscape, adjustments are also being made to the Twello exit on State Highway A1. This is in connection with the widening of the A1 motorway. An extra strip for pools and marsh vegetation will be added in the exit. Avenues and groups of trees will also be planted next to the exit.

Download: Book Fliertdal, Twello

Download: Toolbox Fliertdal

Download: Flier Valley Development Plan

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