The NL version of the First Guide to Nature Inclusive Design can be viewed here.
“Where can we find your theory?” People often ask me after a lecture on nature-inclusive design. This guide is the answer to that question “, says Maike van Stiphout in the introduction to” The first guide to nature-inclusive design”. “With the projects I realized in my life, I changed the world a little bit. I am the daughter of a biologist, who became a landscape architect with a love for nature. Cities and their ecosystems has always intrigued me.”
Landscape architects are already designing with urban ecosystems. It is time for architects and urban planners, clients and the construction industry to join in. Nature-inclusive design leads to a better quality of life for all creatures. Urban ecosystems are complex and designing for them takes experience. Many small steps in the right direction already have a positive impact. This insight led us to create this guide for urban builders. The knowledge gained over the years is crystallized into a compact, practical theory in which you follow three rules to make a project more nature-inclusive than if these rules were not followed. An easy start for beginners. And because we have only just begun building for biodiversity, we call it the First Guide. Who’s next?
The English version is available for download as e-pub in the Apple bookstore and through
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